Sunday, May 9, 2010

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

A Meaning

When the sun come arise, my mother cries.
She weeps for her own she has lost.
In the midst of her sobs, she stops to pause
It has always been for a cause.
Though she may never know why her loved ones go
The reason behind is a joy.
She forever remembers that sad stricken September
That gave new life to ones boy.

Saturday, May 1, 2010

The beginning

Uncertainty in the future is something that can overcome us all. As I see my peers post pictures of dorms rooms, librarys, and studying sessions I have to ask myself what am I doing with my life? It's an akward position not to know where you stand in societly. As a soon to be married woman at 19, it's hard. Am I an adult or a child? The scary truth is neither. Because I am not following "the norm" I can't help but feel a little unsure. Don't get me wrong, I am happy to be a wife, just ill prepared. I go over in my head the career choices that would best suit my situation and wonder what if? What if I were currently attending a college and staying in a dorm? Am I missing out? Am I leading myself in a path to destruction? The answer to these question is simple. I wake up each day reassured by I, and God, that I am headed don the correct path. Through marriage, and my decisions to live by the word I have been happier than I ever have. Though doubts and fear is normal for the future, I know I am making the right chioces for my life. There has been a path layed out for me. I don't know how or where it will take me but I know the I'll be okay.