Thursday, March 25, 2010


So my boyfriend has been having this really red eye. We were thinking that its allergies. So he's been using eye drops. Then all of a sudden we noticed that one pupil in his eye was bigger than the other. I was pretty much freaking out. Then we called the doc and they said it can be caused by eye drops. So yeah. Made me feel better. 
We will be going to the doc tomorrow though. 

We read the bible today. That helped us. We've been fighting alot lately. I think we really need to put what's important in life first. Priorities.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

To Whoever is out There..

You are the one, whoever you may be, to read my thoughts..concerns... I was thinking about changing my name to anonymity. But the truth of my thoughts will come from me and only me. 
So hear it goes..this is to you. Whoever may be reading. 

I think I have been lacking in music. Its the only thing I'm really good at. And not the best by any means. Lately, as in tonight, I've been longing to pursue a more musical tone. Not necessarily in the performing industry. Actually, not at all performing. I would like to think I am more the creation behind the music. The one who molds it together. you..
the one who hears my thoughs..

Thanks for listening.


its been about 7 months now. Time goes by so fast. I've got about 5 months to go until I start my family. Everyone thinks I'm crazy to wed a this age. Maybe I am? 
Anyways, this is happening.